Day 5

This morning started a little earlier than usual with a 5:00 am wake-up by the nurse for vitals and meds.

I think our room must be one of the first stops for the nurses in the morning, because a lot of the other people I talk with say they don't get woken up until close to 6 am.  Either that or we did something to tick off the nurses.

After laying in bed for 15 min or so, I drag myself out of bed and freshen up in the restroom.  Today is my second sleepy, so I can't have anything to drink or eat.

The morning classes go by in a blur because I'm somewhat of a zombie at this time of the day.   After being let out of the second class, I head back to my room to try to catch a catnap before my sleepy.   However, I end up down in the lounge talking to some of the other patients.  I'm really starting to form some good bonds with the people I've met here.  They are an incredible group of people and it is like we are all down in the trenches fighting our addiction together as we work our way through these Duffy's.

Around 10:30 am, I'm paged down to the nurses station for my Sleepy.  The must have hit me really hard with the sedation drugs, because I don't remember much of anything after entering the Sleepy room.  Last think I remember is being hooked up to the IVs, then I find myself waking up in the recovery room.

I'm anxious to get back to my room for the tray of food that I know is waiting because I'm starving from the fasting.  Once I'm wheeled back, I'm met with a nice juicy cheeseburger.   Someone must have been reading my mind, because this is perfect!

After my lunch, I lounge around my room because the sedation drugs have made me feel even more tired.   However, I'm also feeling incredibly positive and happy.  I'm told that almost everyone feels this way after the Sleepys due to the positive affirmations they repeat to you while under sedation.

Around 3:00 pm, I'm paged down to my councilor's office to go over the questions asked me during my sleepy interview.  I'm really surprised to hear that I report my aversion to alcohol as moderate after only 2 Duffys.   The counter conditioning treatment seems to be working really well for me.

My councilor gives me some homework to work on and sends me on my way.

I head back up to my room to chill out.  I'm still dragging a little, so I'm going to lay low the rest of the day and do some reading of the materials they've given me.

All for now.

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